This is How You Should Clean Your Microwave


The microwave is one of our most used kitchen appliances and an innocent spaghetti dinner can easily make a mess we never asked for. First things first, you’re gonna need a couple of things to get cleaning. You can use baking soda, dish soap, and vinegar (white or apple cider) to get rid of all the gunk in your microwave.

When cleaning your microwave, steer clear of using bleach. There’s no need for it anyway as the surfaces don’t get stained as countertops or sinks do. It’s also best to avoid it altogether as it makes the plastic parts brittle.

In order to clean the inside of your microwave, place 1 cup of water mixed with some lemon, lime, or orange slices -- make sure to squeeze a little juice of the fruit into the water-- or opt to use several tablespoons of white or apple cider vinegar in a microwave-safe bowl. Turn the microwave to high power for several minutes until mixture boils and the window is steamy. Make sure to let it cool for 5 minutes before opening the door, and then proceed to remove the bowl and wipe the inside clean with a sponge.

If you have greasy microwave doors, clean the rubber gasket around the door with a sponge dampened with a water and baking soda mixture. Wipe it with a damp cloth or sponge to rinse after. 

If your window is still greasy, clean it with a mixture of half vinegar half water, then dry.

When cleaning the exterior of your microwave, just make sure to apply an all-purpose cleaner (or a plain mix of dish soap and water) on a cloth or sponge, and wipe. Make sure not to spray directly on the appliance as the cleaner may get into the vent holes.

And if you’d rather avoid the arduous process of cleaning your microwave, it’s best to wipe down the appliance every couple of days depending on how often you use the device.